Penis enhancement methods

But the real evidence of men has proven, that using special exercises and simulators to increase the member is, however, possible. Folk penis enhancement qualitatively different from those offered by the manufacturers of various medicines and special stretching.

The composition of the special infusions and decoctions containing only natural components which do not damage the organs in detoxifying. Today's publication is the most secure, how to increase phallus, which can change the diameter and length of the penis body, as well as to strengthen the erection.

Expert opinion

how to increase your penis

Is it possible to increase penis people mean? Experts in reproductive medicine and andrology sure that your campaign works best for the way of compensation the size of reproductive body is plastic. But they do not rule out the possibility of using alternative means with the aim of thickening and lengthen a man's cock.

As it turns out, even by means of decoctions and infusions based on herbs, and some products may increase the a member of about 2-3 see to understand, why so happens, it is necessary to consider some of the characteristics, structure and functioning of the male genital area.

The penis consists of muscle tissues, spongy structures (erectile tissue) and blood vessels. During the puberty period in the body of the boy will appear in a large number of men's hormones, which stimulate the development of reproductive body. In turn, the testosterone deficiency in the blood negatively affects the growth of tissues, which as a result settings phallus is undergoing minor changes. But if adulthood for a long time the use of growth factors, over time this will inevitably lead to more and thickening of the penis.

Rahvameditsiin offers several effective ways to repair the volume and length of the penis. Manual therapy more targeted to improve blood microcirculation, groin area, thanks to which it is restored trophic tissues. The acceleration of metabolic processes and the head pulling the penis brings with it the education of a new filter element in the cavernous body. And this, in turn, over time causes more and thickening of the childbearing body.

Penis enhancement methods

According to the experienced men increase the penis people of means – the easiest and safest method of correction to the size of the penis body. The effect of the treatment depends largely on the regularity of the use of these or other growth promoters. The most effective people way of penis enlargement may be due to:

  • herbal medicine;
  • suspension of cargo;
  • manual therapy (self-massage);
  • vacuum discharging;
  • a healthy diet.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to combine the multiple possibility of correction of the penis. It is advisable to listen to the advice of experienced men, and strictly comply with all rules rehabilitation procedures.

It should be understood that the wrong exercises it is full of violations of the penis the circulation of blood and tissue damage of.

As a result, it may lead to sexual disorders or sensitivity fell to the head of the phallus.


Special complexes of exercises to increase the size of penis, but only if the regular manual therapy. Address at the time of going cut of the tissue tunics, which surrounds the cavernous body. Time is emptiness filled with the new structure elements, thanks to which increases, and the length and diameter of the trunk member.

Before you increase penis exercise desirable to heat up the tissues of the inguinal region, in order to increase their elasticity. For this purpose you can use the pouches, which is filled with hot salt or to the warming compresses. Improve blood circulation, you can safely stretch fabric, without fear of them harm. During self-massage is recommended to do the following exercises as a complex:

  • joined to the head phallus, pull to your right, stopping the end position for 1 minute;
  • similarly, pull the sexual organ to the left;
  • grasp the member of the close itself as the reason;
  • slow direct movement to push blood closer to the glans of the penis;
  • repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times, after which mash the penis, to restore there the blood circulation.

In order to improve the sliding of the finger in the trunk of phallus, to transfer this small amount of massage oil or petroleum jelly.

Doing exercises that increase the penis head to "listen" to your body. During self-massage is enrolled should not encounter the discomfort and pain. Lengthens the phallus 3-4 cm, make a massage at least 3 times a day, more than half of the year.

Herbal medicine

People practitioner includes no less than 100 different receptors and cooking cooking and teas, which can be increased and the length and diameter of the childbearing body. As claimed by the proponents of traditional medicine, herbal infusions have a positive impact on erectile function and stimulates the body's hormones. That will surely increase the member using special tools, such as raw materials, cooking cooking is recommended to use the following herbs:

  • ginseng root – prevents glycogen cortisol, which suppresses the products in the body's hormones;
  • tribulus – stimulates the in the body special hormones, which encourage the release of blood testosterone;
  • wormwood and muscle tone of the blood vessels, which is reinforced hyperemia of the penis during erection;
  • ginger root – decreases in the body cholesterol levels and prevents clogging of the dorsal artery of the special needs of the plaque;
  • aloe juice – normalizes the tissues in the metabolic processes, resulting in accelerating the formation process is a new structure of the entities in the erectile tissue.

Important! Before the use of folk instrument, consult your doctor, because some herbs may cause allergic reactions and nausea.

Using the folk may not only affect the settings in the child's body, but also increase male fertility. In addition, using traditional recipes cooking biostimulators, can affect the erectile strength of the immediately before intercourse. Herbal decoctions to increase sexual stamina and stimulate the maximum filling of the cavernous tel with blood.

The vacuum discharging

penis enhancement tools

Which means you can quickly increase the phallus? Vacuum therapy is the most reliable and effective method to increase the reproductive body. Traditionally, the thickening trunk penis exercise called the vacuum pump. The essence of their work is to create a low pressure around the penis of the body, resulting in tissue literally "in" a large amount of blood. Therefore the cut of the cavernous tel is enrolled, thanks to which its diameter is increased 1-2 see

To make such a vacuum pump can be existing funds. Take advantage of the advice of men, such as vacuum pump easily can use ordinary jars. The "work" they are on the principle of medical cans, by means of which the burning wick around the part of the heated air. This in turn will lead to lower air pressure inside the power. The people the method can be used not only during treatment for colds, but the goal is to increase your penis.

The use of banks for penis enlargement, it is necessary to do the following:

  • the washing of the bank volume of 1 l soap solution;
  • dip in alcohol a small piece of cotton ball;
  • burning vatu throw at the bottom of the banks;
  • enter the hole in the banks of the penis;
  • push the banks back to the pubic area.

Within seconds fleece-delete and empty the air it cools and begins to constrict. Pressure it is lower than the environment. In this context, is the penis tissue quickly begin to fill with blood to provoke the stretching of the corpora cavernosa is used to Using people methods the penis can not forget their own safety. To prevent damage to the tissue, burned only a small piece of fleece. Otherwise it is not possible for the emergence of burns on the surface of the penis body.

Suspension of cargo

Suspension goods – the most simple and effective way people method the extension phallus. If the weighing is recommended to use bottles that are filled with water. Before, when raising children, it is necessary to heat up the tissues of the penis body with them in a manner which is described above. The exercise must be strictly follow the following rules:

  • convenient stand on the verge of the bed, a little width in feet;
  • the wind trunk members in the area of the head with elastic bandage;
  • fasten the bandage clerical rubber band;
  • send a bottle of ordinary water;
  • one end of the rope tie at the neck of the bottles, and the second – that giving an extended sealing area clip;
  • attach the clamp on the top of the elastic side and rise up slowly, stretch a member not more than 10-15 minutes a day.

According to practical observation, the folk of the penis less effective than the traditional ways, which is recognized by modern medicine. However, by increasing the member of the most popular methods, you do not risk to damage your health, which can not be said of the application of hormonal medicines and food supplements of dubious quality.

Tool to increase member

If a man is a necessary tool to increase the member, him not to worry: the pharmaceutical produces a lot of money, which is able to really modify the dimensions of the childbearing body without surgery. The need is only to choose a preparation with no contraindications, that it would meet especially your body.

Pills and drugs

To solve the problem, which is related to weak erection of men's dignity, apply to various instruments and other all sorts of medications that help to increase the penis in all directions.

Important! In addition to the main the fate of such resources, increase libido, eliminate the likelihood of premature ejaculation, is guaranteed to provide sensitive protracted erection.

Searching for solutions to problems it is necessary to understand, what means to increase a member, do not provoke side effects. Closely look at ointments, produced when the natural and synthetic basis.

Although the industry produces a lot of different creams, correction of the dimensions of the penis is not far from the not every tool is safe and effective. Analyzing the comments of men, we have compiled a list of the best tools in this category. Some also offer a temporary effect, the other is a time-consuming activity, but require regular use.

Use a moisturizer is very simple: first check the guide, decides to necessary just for you the dose, then apply the necessary amount of tools in the trunk of the penis and perform movements such as massages, which allow to rub the skin cream. Not in a hurry to follow the instructions carefully and smooth movement, but intense. Thanks to this member is not damaged, the active components of the cream with the highest quality climbs in this fabric.

Almost all of the gels, the aim of which is to increase the dimensions of the men's dignity, is a similar combination of ingredients. They contain active components that warming or tonic effects. The concentration of these is minimal, because of the strong effect may cause complications in the form of swelling, rash, burning sensation, and burns. The use of gels is necessary, carefully follow the instructions.

Guaranteed to increase the dimensions of reproductive authority to recommend the use of subcutaneous injection as. Common are such two ways of penis enlargement:

  • the use of hyaluronic acid;
  • lipofilling.

We take a close look at each variant has such a manipulation.

Hyaluronic acid

This injection procedure provides an introduction to the skin under the penis special fillers, based on the favors of hyaluronic acid. These materials are fully in accordance with human fashion.

Such a method to increase the dimensions of the masculine dignity is very convenient, because it does not require hospitalization and general anesthesia. Recovery time is short, later in several days the man is able to drive common sexual life, while creating a lasting impact should not be.


increase penis

If a man is afraid to inject under the skin of the penis synthetic material, it fits different methodology – lipofilling. Increase the authority achieved by injection under the skin of members of the own fat tissue of the interlayer of the extracted second part of the men's body. The undeniable advantage of such a procedure – the relative permanence of the achieved effects and safety.


A lot of the most effective tools offers and unconventional medicine man advantages:

  • Thyme. The plant should be chop, then boil and leave to pull. Use ready-made tool to be four months, drinking in his empty stomach and before bedtime.
  • Garlic. Pour the alcohol finely chopped cloves, mix well the composition, to be released to pull up to ten days. Then drink a day 25 drops of brandy for 3 months.
  • Seeds of wormwood. These should be covered with water, then boil 10 minutes, drain. After cooling the liquid to drink.
  • Leaves, ginkgo -, hawthorn and ginseng. Prepare the broth, their parts, rub it every day penis.
  • Butter, chopped asparagus and milk mixture to the liquid, add a bit of turnip and carrot seeds, put into a container came in, waiting for the acquisition of a thick consistence. Received ointment to rub the skin member.

This is the most popular recipes alternative treatment that will enhance the men genitals. But the chances of herbal treatment is unlimited, you can choose other effective broth, made from medicinal plants.